Theory based-
- Compiler, linker and loader
- Linear search and binary search
- Storage classes
- Array and listed-list
- While and do-while
- What is a Preprocessor directives ?
- Call by reference and call by value
- What is void data type and three uses ?
- Pointer to function
- Command line argument and example
- Merits and demerits of array
- Getch, getche, getchar, putchar, putch
- Logical and bitwise operator
- Structure and union
- Union and enum
- Text mode and binary mode
- Dangling and wild pointer with example
- Local and Global variable
- Structured programming
- Break and continue
- Macro
- Actual and formal arguments
Programming based-
Array –
- Find greatest no in array
- Matrix transpose , multiply two matrix
- Using pointer to find greatest no in an array
- Fibonacci series
- Factorial with help of recursion
- Input no. In array, largest no. Find them
- Reverse the string
- Power of number
- Multiplication table
- Read a line and print it reverse
String and File-
- Write a program using dynamic memory allocation to read no as input display then in sorted order there
- Copy a file into another file
- Count no of words in a string
- Concatenate two string
Command line argument-
- Copy contents text file into another file , use command line argument to enter source and destination
Linked list-
- Create linked list and print them
Other –
- Program to modify a constant variable.
- Size of structure without using size of operator
- Enter binary and Calculate its decimal
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