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Saturday, December 30, 2017



Theory based-

  1. Compiler, linker and loader
  2. Linear search and binary search
  3. Storage classes
  4. Array and listed-list
  5. While and do-while
  6. What is a Preprocessor directives ?
  7. Call by reference and call by value
  8. What is void data type and three uses ?
  9. Pointer to function
  10. Command line argument and example
  11. Merits and demerits of array
  12. Getch, getche, getchar, putchar, putch
  13. Logical and bitwise operator
  14. Structure and union
  15. Union and enum
  16. Text mode and binary mode
  17. Dangling and wild pointer with example
  18. Local and Global variable
  19. Structured programming
  20. Break and continue
  21. Macro
  22. Actual and formal arguments

 Programming based-

Array –

  1. Find greatest no in array
  2. Matrix transpose , multiply two matrix
  3. Using pointer to find greatest no in an array


  1. Fibonacci series
  2. Factorial with help of recursion
  3. Input no. In array, largest no. Find them
  4. Reverse the string
  5. Power of number
  6. Multiplication table
  7. Read a line and print it reverse

String and File-

  1. Write a program using dynamic memory allocation to read no as input display then in sorted order there
  2. Copy a file into another file
  3. Count no of words in a string
  4. Concatenate two string

Command line argument-

  1. Copy contents text file into another file , use command line argument to enter source and destination

Linked list-

  1. Create linked list and print them

Other –

  1. Program to modify a constant variable.
  2. Size of structure without using size of operator
  3. Enter binary and Calculate its decimal

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